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Join the DIY Space Revolution

Learn how makers and hobbyists are innovating the space industry

Design and testing are the easy steps

What happens if your product becomes successful? Can you ramp up production to meet orders while still making a quality product? Brian Riley and his team spent months designing a new braking system for bikes. This presented unique challenges, innovative thinking and a focus on safety. While his team understands that frequent iterations and feedback […]

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How to go from innovative prototype to retail distribution

Is an innovative product enough to grow a small niche market into a booming consumer market? Share this interview on twitter Alex Andon (founder of Jelly Fish Art) has perfected aquarium designs for jelly fish and he now has a consumer version ready for the market. With no background in design or manufacturing, he’s created […]

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Why building a hardware startup is easier than ever

Share this interview on twitter In this interview I talk with Jeremy Conrad, co-founder of Lemnos Labs. This Silicon Valley incubator specializes in hardware startups. Jeremy used is background in Mechanical Engineering and the Air Force to help create the eco-system to support a new wave of startups – those focused on actually building something. […]

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Experience the joy of Making with Dale Dougherty

Transcript Dale Dougherty: I’m Dale Dougherty and I am the founder of MAKE magazine and creative Maker Faire. I live in Sebastopol, California and I am happy to be here and talk to you. Steve: Fantastic. Thank you for joining us. How long has MAKE magazine and Maker Faire been around? Dale: Sure. MAKE magazine […]

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Does your fab lab have these 3 essential tools?

Fab Labs are great places to build stuff. But what kinds of tools should a fab lab have? It doesn’t matter if you have millions of dollars or just a few thousand. With just these 3 tools, you will have everything you need to get started. Laser Cutter Number 1, a laser cutter. There are […]

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Kickstarter – Launch your product when you’re broke

Pricing and Trends Analysis: http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/trends-in-pricing-and-duration Have an idea for a really cool product but don’t have cash to launch your product? That’s where Kickstarter comes in. Since launching in 2009, this funding platform has helped thousands of entrepreneurs fund ideas through community support. Here’s how it works: Funders aren’t investing in your idea, instead they’re […]

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What manufacturers don’t want you to know about Peer Production

Peer production flips the idea of the factory by using resources spread across the community instead of in a centralized location. Factories are the inevitable result of using expensive machines that require costly organizational process to use effectively. This is why the original Ford plant took in raw materials in one end and spit out […]

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How can Open Design help you?

Open Design is the sharing of designs and instructions to build physical objects such as consumer products or industrial machines. Open Design most commonly used a creative commons or a copyleft license to allow people to share and alter designs. It’s based on the Open Source movement but is focused on tangible objects rather than […]

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Share your idea with everyone

If you have an idea for a business or a product or service that you want to offer, you should share your idea with everyone. Don’t be afraid of telling people about it for fear that they’re going to steal it. Word gets out and somebody copies you. It’s a pretty common fear I’ve seen […]

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